Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Don't Cry For Me, Argentina.."

Well hello there! 

            I’m sorry it’s been such a long time since I posted. I’ve been so overwhelmingly busy finishing up my Christianity in Culture class final and studying for this major exam over the Romantic writers since we got home from Buenos Aires. About that… it was awesome! As much as I love the beach, this trip was equally fun to our Rocha weekend- if not more. I don’t feel like I’ll ever be the type of person to actually want to live in the city, but to visit, Buenos Aires was amazing. On the way there, we drove to a beach town in Uruguay on the coast called Colonia. We spent the afternoon walking around this quiet, quaint little beach town looking at all the shops, enjoying iced coffee and ice cream. It was hot, but beautiful and we got some great pictures! Then we took the ferry, or the Buquebus, hahah.. I laugh every time, from Colonia to Buenos Aires. I got my Argentine passport stamp finally! I was so excited and was smiling so big as I passed through immigration that I looked back to find these two guys making fun of me. I quickly shot them a look, but you know what? Who cares! It was a great feeling. The ferry ride was so fun, sitting with the girls, watching a Ricky Martin concert, eating cookies.. I loved it. We finally got to Buenos Aires and we were all jazzed. We stayed at this wonderful hotel named Bauen Suites and guess what… they had air conditioning! The hotel really wasn’t anything luxurious, but our room was spacious, cool, had great showers and a nice view of the street! We had so much fun. We went out to eat some nights, but mostly went to this nearby grocery store and snaked on cookies, fresh fruit, crackers, and cheese. It was great. Plus! The hotel had a deeeeelicious breakfast. The thing about South American breakfast is it’s basically a bunch of desserts, breads, and fruit. I should have taken a picture of it because it’s every sweet eaters dream! The first day they took us around Buenos Aires on a tour with this wonderful guide. She was so sweet and really loved her city. It was really inspiring and all of their history is really interesting. She took us to the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, the Government Building where important figures like Evita have spoken, and to this beautiful little part of the city called La Boca. This was my favorite area we saw and I will definitely go back one day. It’s a beautiful, lively area where all the buildings are painted bright blues, yellow, pinks, and greens. It’s awesome! I would have taken more pictures, but I thought we were going back the next day. That’s definitely one of the biggest lessons I’m learning about traveling- to take every opportunity you get, WHEN you have it, because it may not pan out like you counted on.  We also got to go to the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. We got to spend a few hours roaming around this awesome museum which exhibited European and Latin American art. It was fantastic and really peaceful for me to wander around by myself in reflection for a while. I never knew I liked art museums so much before.
            From this point on, we got free reign of the city and didn’t have any other set plans. It was great! I promise I walked from one side of Buenos Aires to the other. We saw everything! We were hailing taxis, right and left, jumping on the subway, taking the buses. I was so proud of us. We navigated ourselves all over eating empanadas, browsing through antique stores, doing some shopping, walking through the street markets and enjoying all the atmosphere of the lively city. I felt such an energy and really safe considering how many characters we passed on the streets! We alllllso got to go to Starbucks! It was delightful. Each one of us girls got a different dessert, ordered our drinks, found a spot outside in front of this big window overlooking the city, and had a field day. I wish someone could have filmed the scene as we excitedly tasted and shared each dessert and enjoyed a small taste of the United States. Oh and on Sunday we got to go to church there! The congregation we met was so sweet, inviting, and I really got a lot of the class I went to (it was in English). They also sang a lot of the songs we sing back home, only in Spanish, which was really entertaining and comforting even to hear the same tunes, in another language, so far from home. And after church we found Chinese food!! It was preeeeetty rough, but surprisingly delicious, especially after not having it for so long. What I would give for some Pad Thai right now.. I crave Asian food all the time here! Anyways, so after church we had another day of roaming and a great night of simple groceries and fun with the girls. I love our group so much, and I know that it’s them that is making this semester great. On our last day, we had our wonderful breakfast, went out to buy some souvenir tshirts and went to a famous, hundred year old café in the city named Café Tortini. Some people got food and coffee, but of course, I splurged and got this giant, wonderful slice of chocolate cake called La Africana. Now, I won’t bore you with the details of each layer of that delicious slice of heaven, even though I wouldn’t mind reliving it, but let’s just say it was incredible and totally worth the race around the city trying to find it and then having to power walk twelve blocks to make it to the hotel before the bus arrived. We drove out of Buenos Aires to the ferry station soo exhausted, but supremely satisfied. The ferry ride back was a blast too. This time it was a Madonna concert playing on board!
            I seriously made so many wonderful memories from this trip. It was a long weekend, but the group and I absolutely loved visiting Buenos Aires. The girls and I continue to grow closer and closer, and we have suuuch a great time laughing together and finding out each others’ quirks.  The best part of this trip, even though I loved the city and all the site I got see, is when I sat back a few times and just listened to my friends laughing, visiting, and loving on one another. I love how God brought each of us here to learn from each other and be a little family for each other while we’re away from our homes. It was just such a great five days!

            Since then, like I said, I’ve been really busy with homework for all my classes- which has proved to be more work than I would even do in Abilene, and exploring more of the culture here. Last weekend we went out to dinner and got to see a Tango show and went out for ice cream. Then last night we got to go to my first authentic futbol game! It was absolutely wild. The favorite team around here, Peñarol, played Ecuador and won! All the team songs, fireworks in the stadium, whistling, and cheering were exactly what I imagined it would be. The pride these people have in their team blows Allen High School football out of the water. It did take me back to high school a little bit though. It was thrilling and the players were soo talented. I really enjoyed it and hope we can go to another game this semester.

            Overall, I’ve been doing well. There’s a lot of ups and downs with the group and within myself with the stress level rising as we start getting things ready for the fall. There was one point last week where we were all sitting together on our laptops, each working on scholarship applications, schedules, and housing stuff, where we looked and up and said, we’ve got to get out! It’s a lot to think about being this far from everything and knowing how much responsibility you have still even if we’re not actually in the United States. It makes it hard to be fully present sometimes, but it’s also good for us to learn how to balance it all. I sure am looking forward to the year I have ahead of me though!

            And that’s really all I have! All of us are enjoying our time here, enjoying our group and looking forward to the coming adventures we have. This weekend a few of us are getting out of town to go to another beach down called Punta del Diablo so I’m looking forward to that rest and relaxation. Then we have another week of classes, and then I head out to Chile next weekend for Spring Break! Do you hear that? I get another stamp on my passport! I’m very excited. This semester is already flying by and honestly I’m torn because I love the experiences I’m having here, but I sure am homesick sometimes. I know that I’ll be back in Allen taking summer classes before I know it so we’ve all committed to using the rest of the time we have here to exploring this city as much as we explored B.A. and really getting the most out of this experience.

            Well, I hope you enjoyed my story and I hope to have many more adventures to share! I miss you all very much, appreciate you keeping up with me, and ask that you continue to be praying for our group here.  As we feel the growing pains God is allowing us to experience here, I pray that God is shaping us and changing us in ways that will affect the rest of our lives. I’m excited for that and so curious to see how the rest of this semester pans out!

I love you!



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