Sunday, May 1, 2011

"May we have life in being Yours!"

Hello loving friends and family.

I've been torn on doing a blog this week because I don't have some fab trip to tell you all about or anything, but nevertheless here I am to tell you about the wonderful last couple of days we've been having here in Montevideo. This last week has been slow compared to the rest of the semester, but as we wrap up everything, the group and I have been enjoying the city and getting out to see everything we can. After classes and such we got the chance to go walking down the main street (it's called Dieciocho) and do a little shopping. It consists of like 100 blocks of cool shops, restaurants and markets so we just did some exploring. It was great! The weather here is changing to fall so we enjoyed some sunny, 60 degree afternoons and got some really neat things. I've had a blast picking out gifts for everyone now that the semester is winding down, but it's hard too!

We also had a free weekend this weekend, which means we didn't have class on Friday, but because of storms here (sound familiar?) we decided instead of traveling to the beach we would enjoy the city! We had planned to go to one of the nicest beaches here in Montevideo, but woke up Saturday morning to clouds and rain. Bummer, right? But really not! The few of us who had planned to go had a great day at one of the malls here in Montevideo looking around and even went to see a movie. It felt cool just to be able to make plans in this city that four months ago was so foreign and scary. I love that we didn't let the rainy weather ruin the weekend, but instead, looked into our options, hailed a cab, and had a great time with each other all afternoon. I think when people imagine studying abroad or living in another country (myself included before this trip) they don't realize that some days are just really normal. Yes, you're living somewhere new and different, but the rain still comes even here and boring afternoons with nothing to do can still creep up on you. With classes ending we've had a ton of free time and I think there's something special about the people who can make the most out of even those times. Which I feel like we've been doing a good job at! So, we got yummy gummies, mixed kettle corn and the salty kind of popcorn, and I ate the Milano cookies I got in one of my care packages (thanks Mrs. Michelle!) as we watched "Agua para Elefantes"- which thankfully was in English with Spanish subtitles. I loved it. Like I said, it's been a simple week with not a ton of activity, but it's been really good.

With today being May 1st, I'm getting a little sad about leaving and it's become very real that this time, two weeks from today I will be at home, having supper with my family or who knows, maybe a party- let's just say we'll be having a ice cream party. I'm torn because I've gotten so excited to take all I've learned this semester and actually put it into my real life back home but I'm so looking forward to this coming week as we check off everything we want to do one more time. This semester truly has been amazing and I have grown in ways I can’t really even put into words. I wouldn’t say it’s flown by, because I feel like it’s been one of the longest seasons of my life. It’s been a season of challenges and lessons, memories and new friends, God as the Protector and God as the Romancer, and above all, one that I will remember for the rest of my life. Everyone says studying abroad rocks your world and I can now understand all that that means. I have been moved and shaped by this semester, but I know it’s just another chapter in the beautiful story of my life. So! On this snoozy, rainy Sunday, as I face this final week and a half, I am so excited to fill it with laughing, sleepovers, Raquel’s amazing cooking, playing with each others’ hair, showering with flip-flops on, picture taking, music, sharing each others’ clothes, buying presents, dance parties, “How I Met Your Mother” in the loft, Dieciocho, the beach, Spanish class with Amelia, Uruguayan pears, outlet adapters, wearing a watch, fishtail braids by Catie, water out of my Nalgene bottle, cereal, losing Shelby, crunching numbers, rooms number 1 and 3, legal jaywalking, sweets at Lion Dior, tshirts, La Rambla, El Chana coffee, mental math to convert Uruguayan pesos to American dollars, “Hope Floats,” Facebook chat, the markets in Ciudad Vieja, not texting, late night talks with Shelbz and Heather, fans, Wednesday night devos, nicknames, Bonnie and Sneezy, partially living out a suitcase, waking up for house meetings, fighting for leftovers, Alianza with Ben, ice cream at La Cigale, my classic pose with Leigh, taking the bus, el lavendero, peanut butter and some of the best friends I’ve ever had.

I love you all very much and hope you are all are doing well. I’m not expecting any gifts when I get home, but I wouldn’t fight you if you wanted to surprise me with flowers (haha). I promise to post at least one more time, but between now and then- enjoy your Hailey-less week.

Hailey Rebecca

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